“Supported by the Norway Grants 2014-2021, in the frame of the Business Development and Innovation Croatia Programme.”
Grant: EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021
Contracting Authority: Innovation Norway
Project name: Business Development and Innovation Croatia
Project Promoter: BALI D.O.O.
Total project duration: from 15.07.2022. to 31.12.2023.
Total eligible expenses: EUR 501.443
Total grant approved: EUR 247.898
Contact person: Martina Trstenjak, balidoomartina@gmail.com
Documents download: Decision on the selection of the offer
About the company and project
The company provides sewing and garment production services for large European premium fashion brands, while respecting strict quality standards and a professional support. With new project Technical improvement and development of textile production process in company Bali d.o.o. company will improve and spread production capacity in terms of human resources, technical and technological readiness and automation of production processes.
Three key issues have been identified for establishing new cooperation and capacity building, attract new clients from the EU and these are MAIN NEEDS OF PROJECT:
All of above issues are needs that company with the project can convert into goals of the project:
→ New automatic equipment
→ Modernization
→ Increase the number of employees which directly impacts to the MAIN GOALS, outcomes of the project:
With this project we expect to receive outcomes:
Project objective (outcome)
The project “Technical improvement and development of textile production process in company Bali” is essential for the growth of Bali company to improve its position in the EU as a manufacturer of high-quality clothing from Europe.
Our project goal is to improve our company through the technical and technological development process of the whole production process (product preparation, tailoring,sewing, quality control and product packaging). The development will be ensured by the introduction of new, sophisticated, technologically advanced, highly automated machines,tools and equipment, all aimed at developing knowledge to deliver superior services in textile production for world-known brands, to improve and perfect the service for our existing and new customers and clients which will lead to the increase of revenue (with a huge potential to double or even triple the revenue) from sales of services to the northern European Baltic (including Norwegian) customers and clients. All of this will lead to the increase of work hours and thus resulting with the need for a greater number of employees. Besides the introduction of technically-technologically more advanced and improved solutions to improve our business, our main goal is also to reduce the waste production from the textile production process, i.e., recycle it and reuse it in the form of a new product. The long-term goal is to increase the production possibilities with a minimum impact on the environment so that we will be able to take on more clients once we perfected the work on our existing ones and to expand the factory even further.
2.2 Project description
The project refers to technical and technological improvement and development of production processes through the purchase of new equipment, tools and machines, adjustment within the organization to reduce waste materials which will be used for the production of our own fashion brands. Through the project, we will conduct market research and activities for the development of improved technical solutions (especially in the sewing process) with the aim of developing the delivery of services to world-known fashion brands, the introduction of new technologies. The project is based on the highest environmental standards, in order to maintain the company competitiveness and increase production, human resources and innovation capacity.
The main idea of the project is the environmental aspect and the “green” approach to development and complete production and delivery of services for our clients, as well as harmonization of all organizational processes, including the production without plastic, the possibility of biodegradability, recycling or reuse of products as raw materials and direct financial impact (in terms of donations as a percentage of sales) to funds and organizations dealing with the protection of the environment, plant and animal species. iven the main outcomes of the project, an increase in production capacity would directly reduce the rate of by-products of textile waste materials generated after production. This project affects people’s health and quality of life. The project encourages sustainable agricultural production by encouraging the cultivation of organic cotton, especially through the non-use of pesticides; improvement of merino sheep farms. Also, all natural materials used in the production process (regardless for which customer it is produced) such as organic cotton are grown under controlled conditions, naturally, without the use of any chemicals and other substances. Water-based inks (especially printing on material) as well as screen printing inks were used in the production process, and they all have oekotex certificates. Since organic cotton, micromodal (cellulose fibers), merino wool is 100% of natural origin, as such it is biodegradable and does not pollute nature. The acquirement of a stain removal machine will also reduce the production of B-category products, and only A-category products are guaranteed to be produced. Encouraged by global issues, the company produces and launches textile production processes based on biodegradable organic products.
The project responds to the company’s key challenges:
- Development and placement of high value-added services for global brands,
- Investment in the development of capacities, equipment and machinery,
- Investing in market and proces development
"Bali Ltd. is conducting a procurement process for the production equipment. According to that, the company published the Tender Announcement on 23.06.2023.
The tender documentation for the procurement Production equipment, procurement number: 4 can be downloaded on the following link: DOWNLOAD
The deadline for submitting the offer is 07.07.2023, 12:00 Central European Time. "
Documents download: Decision on the selection of the offer